Will smart glasses be able to prove their added value for the service industry, withstanding the massive pressure of an aspiring smartphone technology mass-market?
In 2023, smartphone penetration in Germany will reach a record high of 98%, reflecting global developments. This fast-moving mass market offers great potential for further technological improvements such as augmented reality (AR) in commercial applications along the supply chain.
Far from home users and gaming apps, major phone manufacturers are already pushing with new sensors and system integrations to open up new markets. When analyzing available technologies, integration maturity and availability of applications in app stores, it becomes clear that survival-of-the-fittest has already started to conquer the emerging market of augmented reality. Will specialized devices like the HoloLens2 or Google Glass remain relevant and prove their use cases in the industry? Could remote support in the field and demand for hands-free and resilience in harsh field conditions be such a use-case for specialized smart glasses?
Together with the research team of the WizARd project from the University of Dortmund and Mariano Mailos, PMM, Mixed Reality from Microsoft we’ll elaborate and discuss latest trends within the world of AR-devices and future technologies.
AFSMI Workshop auf der XR Expo 2022 – Association for Service Management International
About the XR Week
Die XR Week (14.09. – 16.09.2022) ist das B2B-Tech-Event in Stuttgart für Virtual Reality (VR), Mixed Reality (MR) und Augmented Reality (AR), kurz: eXtended Reality (XR). Die XR Week zeigt XR-Technologien und professionelle Anwendungen von VR, MR und AR in Industrie, Architektur, Gesundheit, Handel und Handwerk.
Die XR Week ist geprägt von XR Branchengrößen, exzellenten Referenten und Showcases aus der Praxis. Die XR Expo hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, DER Treffpunkt für Industrieanwender, Technologieanbieter, Content-Dienstleister und XR-Forscher zu sein.
Die Expo wurde 2017 als „VR Expo“ ins Leben gerufen. Im Jahr 2019 wurde der Name in „XR Expo“ geändert.
In diesem Jahr wird die XR Week aus drei Veranstaltungen bestehen:
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