AR.Consulting ist ein Augmented-Reality-Beratungsunternehmen, das Unternehmen dabei helfen kann, sich im Metaverse zurechtzufinden und sein volles Potenzial auszuschöpfen.
Kategorie: AR Consulting News
#AR and #VR enterprise solutions gain momentum
#AR and #VR Solutions are gaining value within all types of industries, from automotive over medial to engineering (and they are fun, too). For the very first time the AFSMI held a workshop at the XR-Week in Stuttgart with the title „Smart“ Glasses versus bring your own device together with Mariano Mailos, Mixed Reality Go… #AR and #VR enterprise solutions gain momentum weiterlesen
AFSMI Workshop auf der XR Expo 2022
AUGMENTED REALITY IN FIELD SERVICE APPLICATIONS – SMART GLASSES VERSUS BRING-YOU-OWN-DEVICE Will smart glasses be able to prove their added value for the service industry, withstanding the massive pressure of an aspiring smartphone technology mass-market? In 2023, smartphone penetration in Germany will reach a record high of 98%, reflecting global developments. This fast-moving mass market… AFSMI Workshop auf der XR Expo 2022 weiterlesen